Class: DealerViewer

JNC.Views. DealerViewer

new DealerViewer(options)

Displays the list of dealers on the map. Search and show the dealer details on the map.

Supported API URL formats:


name: 'Braun Yachtservice',
lat: 39.5753
lng: 2.65347
id: 15


name: 'Braun Yachtservice',
lat: 39.5753
lng: 2.65347
id: 15

Dealer's details. Response is in html format.

Name Type Description
options array | object optional

Some initialization options. Extends JNC.Views.BoatingNavionicsMap initializion options

Name Type Default Description
url string '' optional

The API url to get dealer information.




Find all dealers by name

Name Type Description
name string optional

Name of the dealer

of dealers IDs


Find dealer by ID and show balloon about it

Name Type Description
id string optional

Dealer ID


Find all dealers by name and show balloon about first of them

Name Type Description
name string optional

Name of the dealer


inherited event:initTrackKML

Event is triggered when selected track has KML URL data

inherited KmlBalloonOpen

The event is fired for trace in GoogleAnalytics when kml balloon open.

Name Type Description
value String

zoom direction 'zoom-in'\'zoom-out'

inherited KmlLoaded

The event is fired for trace in GoogleAnalytics when default Kml loaded.

Name Type Description
kmlUrl String

KML url

inherited MapLoaded

The event is fired for trace in GoogleAnalytics when boating map loaded.

Name Type Description
navKey String

Map's navKey

inherited NavionicsAcknowledgementsClicked

The event is fired for trace in GoogleAnalytics when Navionics acknowledgements clicked.

inherited NavionicsDistanceUnitClicked

The event is fired for trace in GoogleAnalytics when Navionics Depth Unit clicked.

inherited NavionicsLogoClicked

The event is fired for trace in GoogleAnalytics when Navionics logo clicked.

inherited OverlayChange

The event is fired for trace in GoogleAnalytics when map overlay changed (osm, bing, etc).

Name Type Description
value String

overlay value (osm, bing, etc).

inherited event:resetTrackLML

Event is triggered when opened track need to be hidden

inherited event:showText

Event is triggered to show notification text

inherited ZoomControl

The event is fired for trace in GoogleAnalytics when zoom controls used.

Name Type Description
status String

zoom direction zoom-in\zoom-out

inherited map:centerchange

Event is triggered by changing center of the map

inherited map:click

Event is triggered by map click

inherited map:mousePosition

Event is triggered by position of mouse on the map

inherited map:pointermove

Event is triggered by moving of pointer on the map

inherited map:resize

inherited map:zoomchange

Event is triggered by map zoom